Page 32 - Series-4 Neon-Flex manual
P. 32

32                                                                                                              Ledpro copyright

       4.3 Bending in the Process of Installation

         Installing angle should be less than 15 degree when pressing the   <15°
         light to the aluminum profile by hand.

                    01 02

                                                                                  The min.bent diameter
                                                                         01 02
                      01 02
                                                                                  01 02
                             01 02                                                         01 02

        Please avoid bending at the first unit of the light.    The light can bend in defined min. bending diameter or larger.

                                    01 02

                                The min.bent diameter
                         01 02                                           <2unit
                                 01 02
                                                                               01 02     01 02

         The circuit board and LEDs could be damaged           Do not bend against the first or last unit of the light,
         if bending diameter is  tighter than defined          otherwise it will lead to failure of connector  waterproof.
        min. bending diameter.

        The circuit board could be damaged if installing angle larger than 15 degree.  >15°
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