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Tips for ordering Neon-Flex

Connector on the line

Factory Moulded and DIY connectors come in several ways:

    1. Bottom out/injection
    2. End out/injection
    3. Side out/injection
    4. Endcap injection
    5. Middle injection

For ordering there is no specific remark for the first two. BUT for the SIDE out there is an important difference. In this case there is a left and right option.

And on two sides of the line this can be different. So this line must be defined exactly. And for the Series-4 there is also a difference in options between the Horizontal bending and the Vertical Bending.

Care must be taken here in ordering the right version

Bottom out injection
End out injection
Side out injection left
Side out injection right
S3 -HB
S4 - VB

The use of Side out and bottom out connectoren enables you to make visually continuous lines

Bending the Neon-Flex

Bending directions of the Neon-Flex. Read carefully

For any type of Neon-Flex there is a specific way of how to bend it. This depends on the PCB, copper plate, inside the line on which the SMD’s are soldered. As a copper plate can basically only ben in one way it is important before ordering to understand what the most common curves in the lines will be and to order the correct version  / bending type.

There is basically just horizontal en vertical bending.

Horizontal bending - Side view

Series-1/2/3 Dome
Series-1/2/3 Flat

Series-1/2/3 Dome and Flat are always HORIZONTAL bending. We also call this side view as the PCB stand upright in the PVC or Silicone line. The light is reflected in the line and the only bend over the horizontal ax.

Horizontal/Side view & Vertical bending/Top view

Series-1/2/3 Dome
Series-1/2/3 Flat

Series-1/2/3 Dome and Flat are always HORIZONTAL bending. We also call this side view as the PCB stand upright in the PVC or Silicone line. The light is reflected in the line and the only bend over the horizontal ax.

For projects with bending in both horizontal as vertical ways the Series-4 is the best choice. You will have the same visual experience but can still do the curves you want

Electrical installation

The electrical installation must be decided on by the installation company following local rules and law

But in general we can see two ways for installation. The serial and the parallel installation. Which one is the most suitable and must be decided on locally by the installing company following local and national rules and law. 

Maximum loading chart Series-3

Maximum loading chart Series-4

Single line installation, single side feeding

Single line installation, double side feeding

Multiple line installation, single feeding

Multiple line installation extended

Multiple line installation continuous, double side feeding


For durable installation please make sure all profiles will have the correct way of aligning. 

When incorrectly aligned they can cause breaking of the internal PCB thus failing of the line. 

For details see the left side.

If any questions please consult sales@ledpro.nl before installing.

For all other lines please check the product information or contact sales@ledpro.nl

ALWAYS follow local regulations for safe installation.

For more information please check our TECHNICAL INSTALLATION PAGE

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